My personal favourites
This page reminds me as to what it's all about at the end of the day: the pleasure of photography itself. ​​​​ I have shot so many images that I get jaded now and then too.  So I created this page to equally inspire myself.  I hope you like them too.
Some​ images are not elsewhere on this website but they are all my work.  ​​​​​​
Rainy Shibuya

This is the very famous Shibuya crossing that’s in countless media. I didn’t want the same photograph that everyone else captures - many shot from upstairs of Starbucks (faintly opposite) for the famous masses-crossing photographs.  I took this from opposite and in light drizzle.

The angle was a major factor - the wet road glows with the light reflection. Raindrops on glass added nicely to the dispersion in the image.
Winter Reflections
Look again. Needs to be large print to see the details. 
Dead reeds perfectly mirrored in a pond in Tokyo, Japan.  
The angle was crucial for the exact reflection.
Reminds me of the attacking Sentinels in the Matrix movie. 
These are koi fish shot in very bright afternoon light so that the diffractions and reflections cause the crazed image. Up close, you can see the scales and body in fine detail. One advantage of spot metering - blows the highlights but gets the subject properly lit.
Very nice, huge on the wall - its neutral grey doesn't clash with decor colours. And rare to shoot an image that suits this edit.  It will just look weird and wrong for 99.9% of images.
Electric Dreams. 
Old man browsing electronic gadgets outside a shop in the Akihabara District of Tokyo.

This shot handheld from across the street in very low light. The Olympus stabilisation and Zuiko Pro lenses are amazing. You can actually read the model numbers on the tube holders.
Yee Sang
Served only during the Chinese New Year - this dish is known as “Yee Sang”, which means ‘easy to prosper’. Everyone at the table joins in with chopsticks to toss and mix the huge dish. It is a joyous and noisy moment as all mix vigorously whilst shouting good wishes for luck and prosperity in the New Year. 
Shot in dim restuarant ambient lighting, without flash or photographic lights.  Shot at 1/125, the blur is intentional.
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