This page holds Fine Art, Alternative Formats and my 'Lost Boys' (Peter Pan's cute Lost Boys, not the horrid Vampire version) i.e. images I haven't shot enough of to justify their own page as yet.  Please scroll down for more galleries.
Intimate Koi
I shot these exactly as you see them here: up close and fill-frame.  There was no room for error and no cropping.  I changed the frame size in some but that is not cropping, merely my intepretation.
All shot in natural light.  Koi's move fast but I didn't use strobes to freeze motion.
An alternative frame
These extra tall or long formats are great for stair walls.  On their own or in pairs. 
Very few images can be formatted like this.  Only certain layouts and background suit this composition.
Lost Boys
Images I haven't shot enough of to justify their own page as yet.
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